Video Library


Lectures by Khaleel Ur Rahman Chishti

1 The Importance of Zakah

2 The Importance of Zakah Part 2

3 The Virtues of Paying Zakat

4 The One Who hoards Wealth

5 The Role of State Regarding Zakat

6 The Ettiquetes of Collecting Zakat

7 Zakat on Loans

8 Zakat on Recieveable Loans

9 Zakat of Females

10 Conditions of Zakat

11 Zakatable and Non Zakatable assets

12 Zakat on Houses

13 Zakat on Business assets

14 Zakat on Plots

15 Payment of Zakat

16 Zakat on Industrial Investment

17 Zakat on Animals

18 Zakat on Cows and Goats

19 The rate of Zakat

20 Zakat on Ornaments

21 Zakat on Agriculture

22 Etiquettes of Paying Zakat

23 Heads of Expenditure of Zakat

24 Heads of Expenditure of Zakat Part 2

25 Heads of Expenditure of Zakat Part 3

26 Heads of Expenditure of Zakat Part 4

27 Heads of Expenditure of Zakat Part 5

28 Heads of Expenditure of Zakat Part 6

29 People Not Qualified to Take Zakat

30 Zakat and Ahlul Bayt

31 People Not Qualified to Take Zakat Part 2

32 Zakat and Relatives

Da’wah to Accept the Hereafter

Lectures by Khaleel Ur Rahman Chishti

1 Da'wah to accept Hereafter

2 Evidence of Hereafter in the Quran

3 Evidence of Akhirah from Surah Qaf

4 Possibility of the Day of Judgement

5 Clear Evidence of the Hereafter

6 Evidence of Akhirah in Surah Al Qiyamah

7 Belief on the Day of Judgement fnl

The Concept Of Hereafter

Lectures by Khaleel Ur Rahman Chishti

01 The Concept of Hereafter

02 The Human Conscience

03 The Purpose of Human Life

04 The Attributes of Allah

05 Allah is Just and Fair

06 Different Levels of Paradise and Hell

07 The Stages of Aakhirah

08 The Day of Judgement

09 The Book of Deeds

10 The sacle on the day of Judgement

11 Every man for himself

12 Allah, The Only Authority on the Day of Judgement

13 Shirk, The Unforgiveable Sin

14 The Three Requirements for Salvation in the Hereafter

15 All is well, that ends well

16 The Evaluation System of Allah

17 The Classification of Good deeds in Islam

18 The Classification of sins in Islam

19 The One Who is Truly Bankrupt

20 The concept of Intercession in Islam

21 The concept of Intercession in Islam Part 2

22 The right concept of Intercession

23 The Rules of Intercession

24 The Wrong Concept of Intercession

25 The Most Merciful

26 No Help on the Day of Judgement but from Allah

27 The Process of Intercession

28 The Intercession of Muhammad

29 The Most Unlucky People

30 The People to whome the right of Intercession will be given

The Polytheist of Arabian Peninsula

Lectures by Khaleel Ur Rahman Chishti

1, The believes of the Polytheist in Arabian Peninsula

2 Idolatory in Arabian peninsula

3 Idolatory in Arabian peninsula pt 2

4 Means of Seeking Closeness to Allah

5 Mushrikeen’s Claim about the Angels to be the daughters of Allah

7 Creator and the creation

8 The rituals of polytheists

9 In the Name of Allah , The One and Only God

Da’wah of Prophets

Lectures by Khaleel Ur Rahman Chishti

1 The message لااله الله

2 Purpose of Creation

3 Two Basic tasks given to messengers

4 Meaning of Taghut

5 Meaning of Taghut pt 2 1

6 Dawah of Nuh

7 Dawah of Nuh pt 2

8 Dawah of Saleh

9 Dawah of Ibrahim

11 Dawah of Musa

12 Dawah of Esa

13 Dawah of Muhammad ﷺ

Introduction to Dawah

Lectures By Jawad Ahmad

01 What is Da'wah

02 The Importance of Da’wah

03 Introduction to Da'wah

04 The Five Prerequisites of Da'wah part 1

05 The Five Prerequisites of Da'wah part 2

06 The Fiqh of Da’wah

07 The Fiqh of Da’wah Part 2

08 The Fiqh of Da’wah Part 3

09 The Fiqh of Da’wah Part 4

10 Methodology of Da’wah

11 Methodology of Da’wah Part 2

12 How to Stear a Da’wah Conversation

13 How to Find an Opportunity for Da’wah in Every Person

Core Values of Islam

Lectures by Imam El Shinawy

1 Introduction

2 First Advice

3 The Greatest Injustice

4 Second Advice

5 Obedience and its conditions

6 Third Advice

7 Establish prayer, Enjoin good and Forbid evil

8 Be patient over what befalls you

9 Fourth Advice

10 Fifth Advice

Islam in North America

Lectures By Imam Khalid Griggs

History of Islam in North America 1

History of Islam in North America 2

History of Islam in North America 3

History of Islam in North America 4

History of Islam in North America 5

History of Islam in North America 6

History of Islam in North America 7

History of Islam in North America 8

History of Islam in North America 9

History of Islam in North America 10

History of Islam in North America 11

Race & Racism in United States

Lectures By Imam Khalid Griggs

01 Racism in United States

02 Racism in United States Part 2

03 Racism in United States Part 3

04 Racism in United States Part 4

05 Racism in United States Part 5

06 Racism in United States Part 6

07 Racism in United States Part 7

08 Racism in United States Part 8

09 Racism in United States Part 9

12 Racism in United States Part 12

13 Racism in United States Part 12 2

Islamic Literacy

Lectures by Kaiser Aslam

1 Introduction

2 Muslim History

3 The Romans and The Sassanians

4 The Arabs

5 Why The Arabs, why Arabic and why in this time period

Let us be Muslims

Lectures by Omar Tariq

1 What are we designed to do

2 The Ameer

3 The key tio build strong Islamic values in youth

4 Who am I as a Muslim

5 THe virtues of a Muslim and Hilf ul fudool

The Islamic Learning Foundation (ILF) is an institute developed to provide a solid foundation of Islamic literacy and spiritual development.
ILF seeks to provide a holistic approach of Islamic personality-development through mentorship and didactics.

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Insha'Allah: With Mughrib Prayers local times across USA today is the beginning of the New Hijri Calendar Year 1446: Sunday, July 7th, 2024 will be the 1st of Muharram-ul-Haram 1446: By the Grace of Allah SWT, InSha'Allah Ashura (i.e. 10th of Muharram-ul-Haram) is falling on Tuesday, July 16th, 2024.*

Wishing everyone a Blessed Hijrah Year 1446: May Allah SWT be Pleased with you'all & your families, and bring the much needed respite today the people of the world, especially in Gaza (Aameen)

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